100 words of English

It was very late and everyone had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day-time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference. The two waiters inside the cafe knew that the old man was a little drunk, and while he was a good client they knew that if he became too drunk he would...

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

100 palabras en Español

Es necesario encomendar la obra a una persona conocedora del mundo literario. Si el escritor carece de esa persona, debe analizar alguno de los programas recién creados con ese fin. Sin embargo, debe tener en cuenta que muchos de dichos programas no son totalmente eficaces por lo que debe tener mucho cuidado al seleccionarlo.

Como todo buen artista, debe preparar un testamento especificando la disposición de la obra literaria y la persona a su cargo. Puede ser un agente, editor, otro escritor o un buen amigo lector que deberá informarse sobre cómo mantener la obra viva y no almacenarla innecesariamente.

100 Wörter auf Deutsch

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